Saturday, April 5, 2014

Women In the Priesthood

I was thinking about women in the LDS church desiring to have to priesthood today, a rather funny thought came into my head.
Who in the world are these women? What are they, bored? Seriously. Maybe they need to have another child to keep busy or something to give these poor, boring people something to do. ;) I know my Mom would tell you straight up that she's too busy for the priesthood.
Really though. It's silly. If you're not busy, make yourself that way.
It seems to me that if they have enough time on their hands to ask for the Men's responsibility as well as their own, clearly they're not fulfilling their own obligations.
Just my two cents. Carry on. :)


  1. Oh I totes agree. I was telling my friend the other day the same doesn't make any sense that women want the's not like they can use it for yourself, and you still receive the blessings either way. I personally don't want any more responsibility :)

  2. This is interesting.
    I've been thinking about the Ordain Women movement a lot recently, because one of my friends (who happens to be a man, interestingly enough) is very involved in this movement and talks about it all the time. These women (and men) are for the most part, as far as I can tell, good people who genuinely feel that they need the priesthood power. They do fulfill their other callings.
    Now, I don't feel that this desire is a righteous thing. I definitely do not want this power. And I am fairly certain that it is not in God's plan to give women priesthood power. But I do believe that we as members can be more loving and empathetic to our brethren who feel so very strongly about this.
