Saturday, November 22, 2014


You don't have time to be frustrated.
Stop it. Right now.
Take a deep breath.
Life is hard and difficult things happen all the time. That's okay. If you get all worked up about it you're not helping anything, only making it more difficult.
Put your head down, go to work, and get it done. Open your eyes to the greater purpose. You can do this. You've proven it time and time again that you're capable. Do not try to rationalize giving up. It's not worth it. When you rationalize you limit yourself every time. Do not limit yourself. God doesn't limit you. What makes you think you are wiser than He is? You aren't. Don't put limits on yourself. It's stupid. Don't be stupid.
Instead look up and praise the Lord for his mercy. Thank Him for the abundance of blessings He has given you. Ask Him for help. He will help you. He will not do it for you, so don't ask for that. But ask instead for the attributes you need to accomplish your task, and praise His name regardless of what comes or doesn't. His wisdom is infinite.

Oh Lord, give me the courage to begin, the strength to continue, and the vision to finish. Help me to keep peace in my heart, I pray. May blessings fall upon all Thy people, and Thy will be done always.


  1. I really needed this right now. Thanks for being so awesome! :) And thanks for always lifting my spirits up! :D

  2. Thank you. As I read this, it seemed as though you were speaking directly to me. I needed to see this today. Thanks for changing the world, my friend. :)

    1. Hey Olivia. :D You're very welcome. Thank you for helping me. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Uncle Lonny. :D What do you think of my blog overall? Am I doing a good job?

  4. Oh my gosh! Thank u for being an instrument in God's hands! I needed this badly!

    1. No problem, CaRynn. I hope it does you a lot of good. :)
