Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Williamsburgerer's Lament

I love my friends.
The end.
But I have a problem. I don't live with my friends. They aren't near me. They are in Canada and Pennsylvania and Utah and Virginia and California and Washington and everywhere else but here. I do have friends where I live. But not like I have friends in other places. It's not the same. My friends and I here, with only a few exceptions, are not very close.
I got to see some friends today. It was great. I love them so much. But I hurt now.
I left a piece of my heart with my friends.
God bless them.
Why can't we all just live in the same place? Why can't we live and grow and laugh and love together in the same place? Instead of... Different places. Places far enough apart that for most of the year they may as well be different planets. Different worlds from which our only communication is this silly little thing that we call a computer. We don't see each other. We don't hang out like other high school kids do. I don't even know what that is like. To be with my friends every weekend. To physically sit in class with them every day. To play sports with them. You know. Normal high school kid things.
That hurts.
Because the more I get to know my friends, the more I am with them, and the deeper my relationships become, the more pieces of my heart I give every time I leave them.
Kids talk of getting guns and phones and books for Christmas and birthdays, but I just want my friends to actually be with me on those days.
Is that too much to ask? To simply be with them? Must I be separated from them for the rest of my life? Must I feel isolated?
I feel like I stand on an island in the middle of the sea full of people that don't care about me, or live too differently to understand and connect with me. I walk among them more like a ghost than a person; seen as frightening by some and received warily by most. Friends with few, and good friends with far fewer. I see my best friends all around me on their own islands. But it's an illusion, because they're not really there. I can talk to them, but never be with them. For when I try to touch them, they disappear like a mist, carried away by the breeze. Always within reach yet never within grasp. And sometimes I look up and they're real and there and I am with them. But they never can stay for long enough. Soon again they are off, headed back to their own place or I to mine, taking yet another piece of my heart with them, and I a piece of theirs. Back to our own islands with the people that never will understand what it's like to have friends more like visions than people.
I just don't want to be alone. The world gets harder to live in every day, with ever increasing corruption and deceit, violence and sin. I just want someone to hold my hand and and tell me everything is going to be okay. But I don't want to find that comfort virtually. I am tired of staring at this screen. I was meant to do things. To change the world. To make it a better place. Not to simply sit and talk with my friends about things that we cannot change while we're sitting, staring at a screen.
I will change the world.
I only want someone to be there with me when it happens.
Is that too much to ask?


  1. Dallin, I love this, so much. I feel like we go about life taking for granted any relationship that we can be literally in touch with physically. But we have the blessing to know the privilege of truly being in the presence of people. To be in physical contact. What a blessing, to know the value of something so great.

  2. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamen. This is fantastic. Also, I totally agree with Dane.

  3. This great Dallin! Ditto Dane too :)

  4. i feel. i feel this so much.

    but i guess we have to marvel at the fact that we can be illuminated by the distant rays of sunlight despite the fact that those rays are, in reality, half-way across the world

  5. I feel exactly the same way! but I don't know that I would have been able to write it out so beautifully. Because that's what this is, beautiful! At least in a sense, it is also heart-wrenching! Because it is true for so many. Thank you.
