Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Of God and Time

I wonder if God created time for man, so that man would have a structure to the world and a way to measure the experiences past. Maybe so that life would make some sort of sense to man without memory of our past experiences.

Going even deeper, I wonder if time is the cause of mortality.

Think about that for a minute.
I think it's very plausible.
It it seems unlikely that God even exists within or is bound by time at all. Thus immortality. And if God exists in a state of being in which time is not a factor, we have an explanation as to how he answers the millions or billions of prayers sent to him in every moment. It explains how he knows the future. He's independent of time, and thus controls it.

So, to take this deeper.

This means that we as people cannot physically travel in time. It is impossible, because we live in mortal and thus time-bound bodies.
But our spirits are immortal.
So maybe it is possible to time travel as a spirit. It would require removal of the spirit from the body, which in turn requires death or other means of removing one's spirit from one's body, and thus is not advisable. But maybe possible.

So anyways. Think about that for a while. Let me know what you think in the comments section. :)
Have a wonderful day. :D


  1. This might possibly be the most logical explanation of time travel I have ever heard. I give it two thumbs up. Way to be, Dallin. Way to be. :D

  2. Those are very deep thoughts. Gives me a lot to think about.
