Saturday, April 26, 2014

Lucid Dreaming

For a while now I've been trying to learn how to lucid dream.
Lucid dreaming is a state of being in which one is dreaming, and one knows that they are dreaming. Thus one can control the dream because they are conscious in it as it goes on in their head.
Lucid dreams are used for many things. People talk to their subconscious sometimes to try and figure out life. Other people use it to overcome fears, such as heights. See, a person doesn't die in real life when they die in a dream. So one can jump out of a plane a thousand times without a parachute, and be perfectly fine. The interesting thing is that the mind builds the pathways in the brain from practice of real life things in lucid dreaming. Thus overcoming fear in a lucid dream is a viable option because your brain does the same thing it would in real life. So the reason I've wanted to learn lucid dreaming is to practice wrestling, because as long as I understand the basic motions of my moves my brain can fine tune them in my head while I'm sleeping.
Pretty cool, huh? :D
Last night I finally got it.
I dreamed that I was outback of my house in the night. It was dark, but I was waiting for my cousins to show up. I was preparing, really. One of them, Josh, was going to come hunting for me. So I was hiding. I don't remember if it was just a game or if I was really, physically scared, but whatever the case, I was taking it pretty seriously. At this point the dream was just moving. I was not conscious to it yet. I had a sleeping bag, and was a couple of backyards over from my own figuring that he wouldn't look too hard in my neighbor's back yard. So I got down in my sleeping bag and was watching very carefully because I had seen their van pull up, so I knew he was searching. I turned around to look behind me, and Gollum from Lord of the Rings was RIGHT BEHIND ME. Gee. That was scary. So he proceeded to tackle me and generally just make me feel pain. Then something clicked. I realized that I was dreaming, because Gollum is not a figure in the real world. So I looked up at him and shouted something like, "Stop! This is my dream. I don't want you here. Go away." He looked really disappointed, and went and sulked in a corner. Now, I must not have been fully lucid, because thinking back on it now I realize that he went and sulked in the corner, which was actually next to a door, which was the door of a train car with scenery speeding by outside. So somehow I ended up in a train car from my neighbor's back yard.
Do you know what I love about dreams? I seem to totally roll with whatever comes in them. Like, it's not a big deal for me to all of a sudden be in a train car, I just accept that fact and move on. It's so cool. xD
Anyway, there was a nice old lady in the train car, (which was also a piece of a house at this point) and a couple of guys that looked like they had come straight home from World War II who were sitting near Gollum. I talked with the old lady for a moment, but I don't remember what was said. Then the dream started to slip. But I didn't want it to end, I wanted to go practice my wrestling, so I focused on being on a wrestling mat. But it was too late. The dream was over.
Seriously, that made me so happy. :D
So I'm going to keep practicing. Soon I'll be able to get them more frequently and hold them for longer. :)
Productivity in my sleep. I must be dreaming. ;)

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