Thursday, April 17, 2014

The Anti-PDA Campaign of the Future

Today I had an idea.
An idea that may change the future of college students and their awful affair with PDA.
This idea came while I was talking with a dear friend of mine.
Her name is Chip, you may know her, you may not. But whether or not you do, you should. Because she's awesome. (So is her blog, by the way.)
What if we started selling tee-shirts at college shunning "PDA Offenders"?
Wouldn't that be awesome? xD
Something like this. :D

And then we could like... Have several variations of this shirt and similar shirts, and sell them at a shirt stand.
But the crowing point of the whole thing would be to hire couples to awkwardly make out near the stand to influence potential buyers.
Isn't that brilliant? xD
We could even start a hashtag. Something like,
You know.
Anyways. This is a silly post. But I'm not silly very often. So I thought I may as well be for once. ^_^
Have a wonderful day. :)

1 comment :

  1. Do you mean PDA as public display of affection or PDA as in patherlogical demand avoidance. The site isn’t so clear and the shirts seem a little odd. If it’s about Patherlogical demand avoidance then why be against something people are born with if it’s the case? If it’s for public display of affection then how is too far with public display of affection for you?
