Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Beautiful Eyes

I love eyes.
Oh goodness. I really do. Eyes are marvelous.
Lately, I've really been paying attention to people's eyes. More than my regular passing glance. I've been watching closely. Trying to learn something from everybody I meet without saying anything at all. It's pretty amazing some of the things I've learned.
I think the biggest epiphany I've had though is that there is not a single person in the world that doesn't have beautiful eyes. Trust me. I've looked. And though I've not been around the world, I've seen it. The internet made that possible.
Your eyes are beautiful. Why? Because your soul shows through your eyes. There are ways to enhance the outer beauty of the eyes, but that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about looking past the makeup and eye color. Into the soul of the other person. There is light there. It doesn't matter if you are Hitler or Ghandi. There is light. Some men have very little. They've suppressed it. Some men haven't done anything with that light, only left it to remain still. But then there are those who cultivate that light. Those are the people who have the most beautiful eyes.
It is said that when giving a speech, it doesn't matter what you say to the people, because people will never remember your words. But people will remember how you made them feel. That statement applies to a person's eyes too. Sometimes when you look at a person, their presence strikes you. You automatically gravitate towards them. Why? Because of the light in their eyes, I believe. Something in each of us outside of conscious thought is really good at seeing the light in other people's eyes, and when that something recognizes the sort of light you are most seeking in another person, it signals your brain. BAM! You are struck by their presence. You may not even notice that they have beautiful eyes. But if you look, you'll see that they do. Everybody does, because the eyes tell a story that the mouth cannot. The eyes tell the story of the good and the bad. The suffering and the glory. The trials and joy. There is a reason that it's difficult to look people in the eyes. Sometimes you see more than you want to, or give away pieces of yourself which you wished to keep hidden. If you divert your eyes, other people have a harder time seeing that.
Really, they eyes are the key to vulnerability and authenticity.
So look closely next time you're out. Maybe even spend an hour on a park bench watching people's eyes as they walk by. You'll learn a lot more than you'd think.
Try it. Maybe you'll see what I see.


  1. That was one of the most *beautiful* things I have read. Every word of it is true. :)

  2. That reminds me of popsicle sticks from YFF.....SO true! I love it. :D

  3. Thanks for this. Makes me want to look into people's eyes. I wish that not everyone would look away. :)

  4. Dallin, I love this so much! I wish more people could recognize beauty in the smallest things!!
