Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Leading by Example

Today I learned something about leading by example. It was a chastisement from God to me, really.
Let me tell you a story.
I was at work all day today. 8:00 to 7:00. When I got home I was so tired. I really just wanted to come sit and learn something or listen to music. Maybe talk to a friend or two. Do something to recharge. So I get home feeling a little bit peeved after having to stay almost an hour extra at work, (The store closes at 6:00) to do some things for my Mom. The first thing I heard when I walked in the door was, "Oh hey, thanks for those papers you brought home for me. Would you mind running Ben up to Grandma's house for singing practice?"
And I was thinking. "Um, yes. Yes I would mind, thank you very much. I'm tired and I want to go do something else." But I didn't say that. I grumbled something about being tired, grabbed Ben, and got in the car. I drove him up there. Found out that it wasn't actually at Grandma's house, but at the farm. Grumbled a bit. Dropped him off, went home, and was actually in a half decent mood when I got home. Went and visited the neighbors for an hour or so. Came downstairs, got on my computer for about 45 minutes. Then I went out to weed my garden. Which is actually the family garden. It's just that they have labeled it as mine. So I guess it is. Anyway, I went out to weed the garden, and I did for about an hour intermingled with helping the neighbors with some things and talking with them. So I come home at about 9:45. I was tired. So I start to go downstairs and I hear, "Hey Dal? Will you do the dishes before you go downstairs?"
There are times when I wish the Lord wouldn't have directly stated that obeying one's parents is a commandment and an important thing to do.
So I turn around and start doing the dishes. Grumbling all the way. My Mom is just down the hall giving some of the kidos a bath.
So I stood there. Doing the dishes. Thinking about how lazy my siblings are. They really aren't that lazy. They get a lot done. Just. Not. What. My. Mom. Tells. Them. To. Do.
And I try really hard to obey my parents. I really do. So when I have to do my sibling's chores, (Dishes is not one of their chores, but I do their chores all the time with watering and chickens and house jobs and such.) because they ran off to do something else without finishing, it is a difficult thing for me to swallow with humility and meekness.
My pride got the best of me for a moment. So I turned to my Mom and started going off on some angry rant about how lazy my siblings are. She told me there's not much she can do about it because they don't listen, so if I wanted it to change, I needed to change it myself.
That wasn't the answer I was looking for.
So I sat there. Doing the dishes. Grumbling. Making my life miserable. And then God told me this. He said, "Dallin, you need to kill your pride. Now. Your pride is not worth your eternal salvation. If you become proud now, it will lead you down a path of great destruction. Be still for a moment and listen to Me."
So I took a deep breath, and listened. God taught me about leaders. He said,
"You have been told in the past to lead by example. You do that very well. Thank you. Let me teach you something more. When leading by example, remember that there is more to it than what you do. It's how you do it. If you're constantly exclaiming to everyone around you how much more you're doing than they are, you're defeating your entire purpose. A leader that effectively leads by example leads by quiet example always."
Woah. Okay. I'll do that. Haha. :D
The interesting thing for me about talking with God is that I don't ever hear Him loudly or really even feel Him strongly in most cases. I have to listen closely and feel carefully. If I don't I miss what He has to say. Well, I listened today. And I'm glad I did.
Thanks, God. I love to feel you in my life.
So remember, my friends. There are two morals to this story.
#1 Effective leaders lead by quiet example always. People will pick up on what is being done eventually, even if it takes a long time. When they do pick up on it though, what you have done will be much more effective than if you had said anything.
#2 God speaks super quietly. If you're not making a conscious effort to know His will and His word, you're probably going to miss it.
Now go forth and make the world better, my friends. :D

1 comment :

  1. Can I just say that I love you Dallin?

    Feel free to come visit us any time you'd like... and do OUR dishes!

    Thanks for your wonderful example. :)
