Monday, June 30, 2014


There has been a lot of discussion on modesty lately. So I'm going to chip in my thoughts.
Let's start with a bold statement. That's a good way to start an article.
There is nothing inherently wrong with complete nakedness. Hence there is nothing inherently wrong with walking down the street completely naked even when everyone else is fully clothed.
^^^Those statements will be explained throughout the article.
Modesty is a word that, in terms of clothing length, wasn't even a real thing until recently. The way modesty has been defined for most of the history of the world is a word that is very similar to the words humble and meek. It was more about why you were wearing what you were wearing than what exactly you were wearing. I can't imagine that when the the men of old dressed in sackcloth, shaved their heads, and sprinkled ashes on their heads they were modest by whatever clothing modesty standards we have today. It was probably something like this, which if you are going by knee length apparel with sleeves on the top is not modest. Also, he was probably not wearing underwear under that. Just to point that out.

Also, if it is a sin to have clothing that doesn't go to your knees and cover your top, how could Adam and Eve do so in the Garden of Eden when they were there and not be thrown out?
Because of what I said before. It is not inherently wrong to be completely naked, or dress however you will. You should not feel ashamed of your body. Ever.
So if this is true, why do we even wear clothing at all?
God told us that our body is like a temple. We clothe our bodies not so much to cover our nakedness, but to show respect for the gift that God gave us. Our bodies really are a gift. Your body is a gift directly from God to you. Remember that. Take care of it.
So why the big fuss about modesty?
There are two extremes on this issue. Both deal mostly with women, so that's what we'll argue, though keep in mind that all the same principles apply to men as well. One extreme that says that women can wear whatever they want and that they should be sexy and hot. The other says that the first is sinful and that women are responsible for the thoughts of men, so they must always dress very modestly so as to keep the men thinking cleanly.
What terrible ideas. Both of them.
Let's address the first one.
The first one objectifies women. It makes them sound like sexual objects. It makes them feel like sexual objects. Some of them find pleasure in that. None of them find happiness. If a young man hears that women should be sexy his entire growing up, it's no wonder that he will see them as objects used only for his own sexual gratification.
Let's now address the second one.
The second one objectifies women.
Yup. Pretty much. Young women, if anyone ever tells you that you are the reason the young men are having dirty thoughts, they are hypocrites and are objectifying you as sexual objects just as much as any person of the first opinion. Ignore those people's words. Treat them with love, but ignore their opinion on modesty. Why does this opinion make women sexual objects? Think about it. I think you'll find the answer all on your own. If not, ask me in the comments. I'll help you figure it out.

To summarize this article:
My friend, treat yourself with respect, okay? Okay.
Have a marvelous day. :)


  1. Dallin, this is fabulous and you're fabulous and I am so happy to read this post. Thanks. ^_^

  2. Dallin. Oh my! This post makes all sorts of lightbulbs go off in my head. For so long I've not made peace with any of the two radical sides. Thank you for presenting, if you will, a third idea that is just simple & clear. :) You are wonderful.

  3. Your are amazing Dallin, this is sooo true!

  4. Couple comments.
    First of all, I definitely agree with your bold statement there, haha.
    2. I had an epiphany as I read what you said about our bodies being a temple. You know that we don't let just anyone go into the temple because it's sacred; maybe that's why we dress. Our bodies are sacred and not just to be paraded around, much the same way we're not supposed to talk about what it's like inside the temple.
    3. I think the reason that the modesty debates focus more on women is because it isn't as much of a challenge for women when we see immodestly-dressed men. Like, it varies from person to person obviously, but yeah.
    4. How do you think the whole focus on the girls things came to be? It's a fairly recent thing that people have started saying, "um, girls, dress modestly, but it's a guy's responsibility to control his thoughts." Why do you think it is that always in the past it has seemed, at least to me, to be, "girls, cover yourselves up because your sinful male counterparts can't control their own thoughts"?

    Anyways, most excellent post as usual. :)
    Carry on. ^__^
