Monday, July 28, 2014

Why I Don't Wear Sunglasses

If you know me, think about the times you've seen me.
If you don't know me, go stalk me on Facebook and Google+. That's totally fine with me.
Very seldom will you see me with sunglasses. Mostly when I'm driving, or when a friend finds a pair on the bottom of a creek and gives them to me. (Shout out to those Canadians. ^_^ )
I just don't like them. Here's why.
Communication is one of the most important things in the world. Without communication, we are nothing. This, what you're reading right now, it's communication. From me to you. The device that you are reading this on, that's the result of a communication of ideas from someone that had the idea to someone else who knew how to make it happen. The Earth itself is a great big result of communication from God to the elements of the universe saying, "Hey, I want you to be here and act in this way."
That's how it is.
There are different forms of communication just as there are different parts of people.
There is physical communication. Punching someone in the face. Giving someone a hug. Giving someone a massage. Those things are physical communication. And while they convey other types of communication as well, they are primarily physical; just as the examples to follow will be primarily in their own categories.
There is emotional communication. This one really isn't conveyed on it's own. It moves mostly through physical and mental communication by way of words and deeds.
There is mental communication. Conveyed through speaking, mainly.
Then there is one that is quite special. Something that God gave us, but something that is often overlooked.
Spiritual communication.
How does a person communicate spiritually? I'm not talking communicating with other spirits that don't have bodies. That's devilish. I'm talking about communicating with the spirits that are the people which are around you. The spirits of your friends, your family, your neighbors. Living people.
How does that work? Is it just a feeling? Is it conveyed through other forms of communication?
To be honest, I don't know exactly. I have my ideas, but I really don't know for sure.
But, here's what I do know.
The eyes are the windows of the soul.
In your eyes exists your entire being. Your soul. Your life, your energy, your spirit.
And in your eyes, I can see that. I can see your soul. That is how I communicate spiritually.
I need to see your eyes.
We must remember though. Communication is a two way thing. I convey my message, you respond, and vice versa.
I need you to see my eyes. Because I won't always tell you what I feel or think. Even if I want too, I can't always say it. Communication of the spirit does not translate well into speech.
I want you to know what I think, what I feel, what I know. I want you to understand, because as articulate as I am on this blog, I can't speak like I write. But I can show you what I mean. You only need to see my eyes. You only need to speak with my soul.
Sometimes I don't want people to see my soul. I don't want you to see my sorrow. My shame. My guilt. I was built to uplift and inspire, to edify and to spread joy. Not to bring people down. I don't like people to see my sadness. As vulnerable as I try to be, I have walls too. Walls that I sometimes don't know I have until they break and the vulnerability trapped inside of them gushes out like a dam burst all at once. And that's the thing. I want to be vulnerable. I know that vulnerability is the only way to a sincere and fulfilled life. It's what God tries to get a person to recognize all their life. Be humble. Be meek. Be submissive. Be you, is what he's saying. Be vulnerable. Because when you've truly vulnerable, you're being who you really are.
If you ever want to know something from me, look at my eyes. Make me look at you. You'll see everything you need to know. Because you'll see me for who I am. I won't hide who I am behind a dark screen. I won't run. I will stand. I will be vulnerable.
Will you?


  1. This principal took me a long time to realize. Being vulnerable is hard, but to be weak and vulnerable makes it so one can be powerful and strong. It was a heck of a year this last year learning that, and opening up to others and crying helps a lot.I will strive to be vulnerable and make that difference.

  2. you know, for a while, I really loved sunglasses because mine gave a golden tint to everything and the whole world appeared to be celestial.
    but then I realized… if i want to live in a world WITH people, I'd like to see it as they do and find deeper beauty in it with them. Take a look through god-given eyes.
