Sunday, July 27, 2014

Finding Passion In Life

People say all the time to follow your passion.
Maybe that's a flawed idea.
I was watching a TED talk by Mike Rowe the other day. He was talking about hard work and the different jobs that people do, and I had this epiphany as he was talking.
Maybe living a passionate life is less about doing what you are passionate about and more about being passionate in everything you do.
I think that's a very valid point. Think about it. What are you passionate about? Can you do that for a living?
Probably not.
If you can, do it! :D I am definitely not saying that you should not follow your passions if they're feasible. But for most people they're not.
So maybe you will never get to travel the world. Maybe you won't get that job you want so bad. Maybe you won't live in a beach house on the coast. Maybe you will. But if you don't, that's okay! :D Look all around you! There are people to love and things to see, fortunes to make and joy to spread! Life is so marvelous if you will just open your eyes and look around!
Really, what I'm saying is, don't focus so much on one thing that your life becomes dependent on it. Learn to find joy all around you, and the Lord will take care of the rest. You will live a passionate life if you remember to be happy in all situations, no matter how difficult. When you have troubles finding joy, look to the Lord. He will help you. You will be happy.
Happiness comes from the little things. Remember that.

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