Saturday, March 30, 2013

In Honor of The Fallen

Lately in history we have been studying wars. We just finished with Korea. I had respect for the men and women who served, but I never really understood how much they gave. I still do not fully, but I have a better idea. I came across a story on today that stilled my heart and made me think. It wasn't really even a story. It was just a series of pictures from Vietnam. I went from there and found some other pictures of those fallen. Sometimes the most powerful way to convey a message is silence.
Now is one of those times.
In honor of the fallen, I lift now my voice.
I know they can hear me, for they live on as heroes.
In the past, my freedom I've taken lightly.
I took for granted your fateful choice.
You chose the path taken by few.
And gave your lives for the birth of freedom anew.
I'm sorry things are this way, that you must die.
But I thank you now,
and with tears, say goodbye.

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