Monday, April 8, 2013

I Believe There are Angels Among Us

The other day I was reading The Bible in the book of Hebrews. Chapter 13, verse 2 says, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." and I thought, "Well, that would be cool, to entertain an angel. But it is different now then it is back then. People don't come to your door and ask for food or shelter." But, was I really correct in that thinking? I was in Salt Lake City over the weekend again. I realized something while I was there. (Why do I always realize things in big cities?) This scripture applied to more than just people coming to your home. I forgot to bring money to buy the homeless people that I saw a meal. I felt really bad about that. As I was walking to the car to leave, I passed a homeless black man. He was holding a sign asking for food. He was so respectful, and looked like a sincerely nice guy. That understates it. As I walked past, he stepped back and and nodded in a gesture of respect. I did the same. But there was something in his eyes. Something indescribable. He was so... Oh, I don't know. Brilliant? Unique? Humble? I don't have words to describe him properly. I wanted to do something for him so bad. But it was time to leave. I pondered later though about this experience. Was this man an angel? I'll never know. But I'd like to believe that he was. Now, I'm not saying that all homeless people are angels. It made me wonder though. How many times have I passed by an angel unawares? Maybe it's common. Maybe it's not. I don't know. What I'm trying to say is this.
How many angels have we walked by? How many of them did we ignore? How often have they blessed us without our knowing? We may never know the answers to those questions. But maybe we should start looking a little bit harder.

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