Thursday, November 5, 2015

The 60 Day Challenge: Days 9 and 10

To be fair to myself, these days really are not separate memories. They're the same day to me. I hardly remember a lot of it. I've only slept about an hour in the last 48. (As of last night, when this post was supposed to have been posted. ;) )
The vlog for end of day 9 / beginning of day 10:
To clarify, I really didn't sleep at all night of day 9. Up from 8:00 to 6:45 working on the trebuchet. I was so close to finishing. If only I could get that silly cable to hold. It snapped twice. At about 7:20 I decided that a bath was in good order. It would relax me, and maybe help get some of the black out of my hands that wouldn't come out. Well, I fell asleep in the bathtub for a about 40 minutes. I didn't get all the gunk out of my hands, but I did get a little bit of sleep. ;)

Day 10 was a good day. It could have been otherwise, but I chose to make it good. I was late for, and fell asleep for part of seminary, but stayed awake for an amount which was surprising to me. Physics was next, and the group that I was (kind of) with had built another trebuchet. I wasn't allowed to get credit with theirs because I didn't help build it, but my teacher, (Mr. Pope) said that I could still get credit for finishing mine, it would just be late.
I skipped Political Lit so that I could get the reading done for World Civ, and I had a difficult time staying awake to read. I would look at the screen, read a paragraph, begin to think that I was going to stay awake to read more, and then wake up 30 seconds later wondering what had happened. I fell asleep while logging in to class, and ended up 7 minutes late. I began the login 5 minutes early. Whoops. xD The worst part is that I'm class president in that class. Then, the entire class, I would just begin to think that I was really paying attention, and I'd fall asleep again. Pro tip for staying awake in class: don't pull allnighters.
Then I had advanced conditioning. It was a difficult class. I told my friend Sadie that I had only had 40 minutes of sleep, and she told me I shouldn't have come to class. xD Oh well. I got through it. I'm curious exactly how much the lack of sleep made my body drag. I'd like to do that workout again to see. Don't tell the people in my class that I want to do it again. ;) It was a punishment workout. Apparently the class treated the substitute poorly on Monday. I don't know. Wasn't there.
Then I came home to a SBP meeting, which was excellent. More than excellent. I love my team. :D
After that I tried to plan the rest of my evening to get something productive done, but then the drag really hit, and I couldn't think straight enough to walk straight, not to mention do homework. So I took a shower and swept the floor and read my scriptures and went to bed about 8:00. Now it's day 11, and I'm sitting on 9 hours of sleep and feel great. It's a good day! Praise the Lord! :D

Scriptures I read / listened to today:
'Meeting the Challenges of Today's World' by Elder Robert D. Hales

People I researched today:
Jane Edward Davies (KWVC-4PY) (You're welcome to do some research on her if you'd like to. :) I'm having trouble finding her parents.)

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