Monday, November 2, 2015

The 60 Day Challenge: Day 8

Okay, I've got 4 minutes to wrap this up and be in the shower, but I'll do what I can.
Today was a good day. I woke up at 4:00 instead of 5:00 because I forgot daylight savings. Whoops. xD It was nice to have an extra hour in the morning though. I had a strong cup of ginger tea with a big spoonful of honey, and it was tasty. I'm still not over the sickness I had all weekend, which is really a bummer, because my throat hurts a lot, and I don't like that. The mucus has mostly gone away which I am SO THANKFUL FOR, but it seems to be coming back tonight. We'll see what happens.
Because I don't want to get other people sick with this nastiness, I skipped school today, which actually ended up working to my advantage because I spent most of the day working on my trebuchet for physics, which is due tomorrow. I'm getting close. It's so much fun. ^_^ I'll post pictures of it later if I remember. I'd really like to.
Other than that, I took the deer, (All 3 of them) to the butcher today, caught a knuckle on my left hand with the grinder, (It's not bad) put up flags for the scout fundraiser, ate food, (painfully) and had a really good day. I've got to go now. Have a wonderful evening. ^_^

A thought to end the day with,
The interesting thing about mirrors is that we seldom look into them to gain our own perspective, but rather to gain the perspective of other people about our own appearance. Maybe it's more relevant to see what we think of ourselves.

P.S. 1 Peter: 3 is an excellent chapter of scripture and I recommend it highly.

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