Saturday, August 10, 2013

The Brilliance of Children

My friends, children are brilliant. It's just that simple, they know how to live life. And then, as we grow from children and become adults, we learn self destructive habits that, when we finally regain our senses, we spend the rest of our lives lives fixing. One of these habits is the constant need for stimulation of some kind to keep our brains moving. We desire this stimulation for many reasons. Maybe it is because we hate to spend quiet time examining our character - because that hurts. Maybe it is because we have regrets. Maybe we are dealing with other kinds of pain. But, how will your inner brilliance release itself if you don't ever make time for it to grow? This, my friends, this is why children are brilliant. See, they haven't confined themselves yet to this addiction to stimulation yet. They go outside, they spend time alone.
They think.
Today, my little brother Ben came to me with a thought. He is 9 years old. Here's what he said, (With slight revision for clarity. :) )
"Dallin, the word natural shouldn't exist. See, Jesus Christ was a man, right? And he created the world. So, technically, the world is all artificial."
Wow! That's brilliant! Let me tell you, in the world of stimulation that I spend far too much time in, I would have never thought that deep. This is the kind of thinking that has changed the world.
So, let me challenge you. This is something that I intend to do as well. Be more like a child. Spend time alone examining your character and the deep concepts and mysteries of life. And, if you can't stand to be alone with yourself, fix that. Whatever is making it painful to be alone - fix it. I promise that you will be more at peace if you do. And, who knows? Maybe the next thought that will change the world is waiting inside of your head for a chance to cross your mind.
Now go do.
Dallin :)

1 comment :

  1. It is like you formulate my thoughts into words. I knew I admired you. Happy vibes, Dallin! Keep it up.
