Sunday, August 25, 2013


My friends, the last two weeks have been quite an adventure. :) I spent a week in Veyo, Utah at Elevation (A camp that my school does 3 times during the year) and it turned out to be one of the best weeks of my life. I went climbing, repelling, ascending, swimming, caught crawdads, played a ton of koosh (Which, by the way, is one of the coolest variations of dodgeball that has ever been played :D ), did a service project, did a super intense simulation, spent a night alone in a canyon with only the clothes on my back, ran a 5:25 mile, spent 4 hours alone on a large rock overlooking a clear stream while nature moved around me, did yoga and meditation, had deep philosophical conversations with some of the coolest people alive, and with the same people stayed up until 2 in the morning laughing my head off. Then, after it was all over, we met again at Cafe Rio for one last meal with each other, and went and asked hair salon people for mosquito itch cream in a French accent and then watched the confusion on their faces while we accidentally busted out laughing. Needless to say, it was an amazing week. :D
Then, almost on a whim, I stayed another week in Utah with some cousins of mine, and went to BYU education week. Oh, that was so wonderful. I got to see the BYU campus which, by the way is amazing. I got to observe spectacular people such as John Bytheway and Hank Smith as they made me laugh, cry, and feel everything in between while helping me to realize what I need to do with my life, and how to change to fulfill my mission in life. I got to meet so many new people, people whom I have learned to love. I learned how to smile and really be happy, like, sincere happiness, nothing fake. It was funny, and kind of sad to see how shocked people were when I asked them how they were, and really cared to know instead of asking simply to be polite. I learned how to do the two step, the fox trot, the New York hustle, the three step, and the cha-cha in a dance class and at the dance itself. I met a girl named Amber who seemed happier than even I, which I did not think to be possible. I met a guy named David who taught me that appearances mean nothing, it is what's inside that counts. And I met so many other people who changed my perspective on life. I went to Legends Grill (Which I highly recommend) every day except Monday for lunch, and I learned that if you treat people with respect and kindness, they will treat you the same. I walked into Legends Grill on Wednesday and confidently walked right up the the cash register with a huge grin on my face to order my food. I walked up to the man at the counter and I said, "Hello Sir! How are you?" and then proceeded to order my food. Oh, the smile I saw on his face when I walked in the next day made me so happy. :D I walked in the next day and before I could say a thing, his face lit up and he said, "Hello Sir! How are you?" And he meant it! He really did! Oh, happiness is contagious, and it is something that I and determined to spread. :) It was so great to watch a girl's face, a girl who had sat on her phone in a corner for most of the dance, it was so amazing to watch how she smiled when I asked her to dance. And playing Monopoly with your cousins while making up new, fantastic rules as you go? That's the best. :) This, as well as the week before, was an amazing week. :)
But, yesterday morning when I woke up, I realized that it was time. It was time to come home. As much as I love adventures, I would choose home over endless adventures any day. I love my family too much to be gone for that long. Because I missed some things too much. I missed holding baby Nathan. I missed Rachel yelling "Dallin! Dance with me! :D" I missed how Rebekah would run up to me yelling "Dallin!" when I would walk in the door and give me a great big hug. I missed Ben's smile that never goes away. I missed Enoch's hilarious jokes. I missed talking with Spencer. I missed my Mom's muffins, and her loving care. I missed working with my Dad, and the example he sets for me.
Put simply, I missed home.
Now, I'm home, and I'm very happy to be here - it's where I belong. :)


  1. Dallin, you are a cool kid. 'Nough said.

  2. YOU DID NOT go ask for itch cream in a French accent. :D :D ...My brother had to come ask what I was laughing about for so long. :D That is fabulous.

    That sounds like a marvelous adventure. :) I think we came to the same conclusion, though. I was gone for three weeks, and when I came home, it was good to be there. Which is great, because I don't get homesick, and when I return home from an adventure, I'm kind of down. This time, though, I really appreciated it. :) Home is a pretty special place, even though it's easy to take for granted.
