Thursday, April 11, 2013

Who Am I?

There have been several things lately that have made me question, who am I? Deep down. Not the mask you see on the surface. The mask that I have wanted to become real for so long. I have always strived to become better. To become a person that other people respect and admire. A person that will inspire others to be better. A person that people would look to for advise when they need it. Honestly, I kind of took life like a competition to see who could be the best. At everything. Although those ambitions are worthy ambitions, I think that in trying to mold myself into who I want to be, I have lost who I am. It seems like helping other people figure out who they are is easier than trying to figure this question out for myself. I just wonder, how could something that I knew so well as a small child have slipped my mind? It doesn't make sense to me.
The difficult thing is that I'm not even completely sure that the person that I act like now isn't who I am deep down. I'm not sure that who I act like now is who I am or if who I am is really something else. If you can understand that question, you can understand what I'm trying to figure out.
This is kind of a pointless post, but this question is a big one. I may as well ask you the same question.
Is who you act like now really who you are or is who you really are something else?


  1. Dallin, I've had the very same experience a couple times. Each time, figuring it out was one of the most powerful experiences I've ever had. Good luck. (:

  2. Batman would tell you, "It's not what I am underneath, but what I DO that defines me".

  3. I have often thought this exact question. In the past I have had person after person come up to me and ask, "so, do you know who you are?"
    What do you say to that? I know the basics; my name, age, date of birth, ect. But the question didn't start making sense until about a year ago. I still don't have a remarkable answer, but I did find one: I am a child of God. Anything beyond that is just what you make of it. :)
