Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The Abstraction of Marriage

This video makes me so sad.
It is sad to me that these kids don't see what is happening here. It is even sadder to me that their parents haven't taught them what is happening. The whole gay marriage battle... It's not really about people wanting to be legally bound as gay couples. That's just what is seen on the surface. There were civil unions for those who wished to be legally bound gay couples. The true battle here is the abstraction of marriage. Because once marriage is an abstract concept, what is the significance of it any more? It becomes meaningless. All the sacredness that marriage once held... It would be lost. The abstraction of marriage would make it okay for a man and an animal to be married too, using the basis of, "Whatever makes them happy" that is so often used to support gay marriage. Marriage is a bonding covenant between a man and a woman. Civil Union is the proper term for that covenant between members of the same sex. Oh my friends, please do not allow this abstraction of marriage to take place. Please love gay people, do not hate them. Help them realize that they have a special union all for themselves. They do not need the word marriage to describe their relationships. And if they don't like the name of their type of union, then let them vote to change the name; but marriage, marriage is something different entirely. Please do not be fooled into thinking otherwise.


  1. The main problem with limiting gay unions to civil unions as opposed to marriage is that civil unions are not substantially equivalent to marriage in society. Furthermore, why should gay people, who may or may not subscribe to a religion that condemns homosexuality, be barred from pursuing the religious practices they see fit to pursue? I just don't think it's right for the government to pick and choose which religion's definition of marriage is right and which is wrong. I'd also say that infidelity and abuse between men and women is much more damaging to the covenant of marriage than is two men and two women who wish to have a real bond between each other. I hope this didn't come across as angry or aggressive, and regardless of how the issue is resolved in the end, I know that as long as we treat people with love, like you seem to do, we will all be alright in the end!

    1. But see, it doesn't matter who the alternate definition of government comes from, whether it's government, religion, or something else. Either way it makes marriage more and more of an abstract concept, and that's dangerous. And yes, infidelity in marriage gives marriage a black eye, but it doesn't change what marriage is - a sacred covenant between a man and a woman. As far as a Civil Union not being equal to a marriage in society, that's the people's fault then. In a case like this, the government does what it can, and then however the people act is up to them. The government cannot tell people that they have to treat gay couples the same as straight couples, that would be disobeying Amendment 1 of the constitution.
      Thank you for keeping your comment civil and open to discussion. :)

  2. The video, your post, and the comment above all highlight the importance of loving and accepting everyone. This is essential to overcoming the supremacy that litter America's past (i.e. whites over blacks, men over women).

    It's only when we overcome this that it becomes possible to discuss the real issue. I won't claim to know if same-gender attraction is inherent, or developed in a person. But I do know that they all have the choice to act on that attraction. And because of scripture I believe that it is a morally wrong decision.

    To that end, it wouldn't help anything to tell gay and lesbians 'God said not to'. Rather the only solution I see is to as stated, love and accept them, and help to introduce God to their heartaches and hard times. Because once they really recognize the power and authority of God everything else will start falling in place.

  3. So..... That video is sad I would like to be on that video and share my views! I wish there was at least ONE of the older kids were against it and was sensible.... Because we will be the future for this country and it is really sad the way things are going. :(
