Thursday, October 24, 2013

Give Said the Little Stream

I think that the seemingly most insignificant things are often more significant than meets the eye, and that many profound things can be learned from the simplest of messages.
There is one message that I've recently found a deeper meaning in specifically. It comes from the Children's Songbook, (Found here.) The song's name is Give, Said the Little Stream. It goes like this: (Listen to either video as you read the lyrics.)

1. "Give," said the little stream,
"Give, oh! give, give, oh! give."
"Give," said the little stream,
As it hurried down the hill;
"I'm small, I know, but wherever I go   
The fields grow greener still."

Singing, singing all the day,
"Give away, oh! give away."
Singing, singing all the day,
"Give, oh! give away."

2. "Give," said the little rain,
"Give, oh! give, give, oh! give."
"Give," said the little rain,
As it fell upon the flow'rs;
"I'll raise their drooping heads again,"
As it fell upon the flow'rs.

3. Give, then, as Jesus gives,
Give, oh! give, give, oh! give.
Give, then, as Jesus gives;
There is something all can give.
Do as the streams and blossoms do:
For God and others live.

Isn't that a wonderful message? It's my new life motto, I've decided. And, I hope I can follow it's message. If I do, I know I will change the world. One "field" at a time.
"I'm small, I know, but wherever I go the fields grow greener still..."

1 comment :

  1. Oh wow. I never even considered that before. That is simply beautiful.
