Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Human Rights Are Being Infringed Upon

My political beliefs have not been discussed much on this blog. I'll tell you pretty much all you need to know here.
I'm a conservative and a libertarian.
But that's not what this post is mainly about. This post is about rights that are being lost in America, the "Land of the free" every day.
The government is becoming more like an overprotective mother every day. The government is making it so that Americans will never fail, never feel pain, and never make mistakes. But if they do, the good old government is there to give them unemployment money and welfare. The government is working on eliminating crime and tragedy by getting rid of guns and other "dangerous" things. The government is working on eliminating hate and bias by teaching in the government funded schools that we are all equal, and that there is no difference between a gay person, a straight person, a white person or a black person, or any other kind of person or it.

And the government is doing it all wrong.

It's getting to where a person cannot start a business without at least several types of licensing and too many regulations, not to mention the all too oppressive tax rates. The government may have good intentions with these regulations, licensing, and taxes, (The intentions are really malicious, but we'll play on the side of optimism here and pretend like the majority of our politicians really do care about the people more than they care about their jobs) but they're doing much more harm than good. Here's the deal with this.
It is my right to start a business.
The government has no right to tell me how clean my store must be, or to regulate working conditions.
The government has no right to tell me what I can and cannot sell.
The government has no right to tell me that I must pay them to stay in business, because I built this business, the government played no part in helping it grow. Am I wrong, Mr. Obama? The same rule applies to property taxes and income taxes.
The government has no right to tell me how much I must pay my employees, or how many hours they can work.
The government has no right to tell me who I can and cannot hire, regardless of age, or that I must disregard race and gender while in the hiring process.
In other words, the only right that the government does have is to protect me from those who would infringe on my rights as a business owner, property owner, or even employee. And yet, they trample these rights with more regulations, licenses, and taxes every day. It must be mentioned that the politicians who regularly pass these regulations and such things rarely know anything about the type of work they are passing the regulations for.
To the people in the government: let us fail. Let us, the American people make mistakes. Allow us to release our inner brilliance, because there is a lot of it bottled up, even in people who know how to do nothing more than collect a welfare check, and even more in people who would succeed if you would let them. If this is about money, the people will make you rich. You just have to allow them to do it.

Now, as far as eliminating crime and tragedy goes, the government is doing an awful job. (Sometimes I wonder if the government is capable of doing anything well.... That is, besides destroy itself. It's doing a fantastic job of that.)
The government's plan to reduce crime and tragedy is to take away the things that they believe cause the crime and tragedy - in other words, guns. Therefore they teach the children of the supposed evils of guns and tell them that guns should be banned from the general public, but that it is okay for government agencies to have guns (That's setting the people up for a tyrannical government within a few years, therefore empowering the already too powerful politicians even more.) These children then proceed grow up and vote for corrupt senators and congressmen whom they seemingly sincerely believe will save them from the evils of guns. But, let's face it. These government agencies who are supposed to protect the people from crime, (The police, SWAT, the National Guard, etc.) are mostly clean up crews. By the time they get there, the harm has already been done. There isn't much of a prevention factor there. This is why the people need weapons to protect themselves, especially guns - the very thing that the government is trying to ban. So, we see that the government's intentions with gun bans are obviously malicious because they are taking away a fundamental right of the human race - the right to protect one's self and one's family. One of the main arguments for more gun bans is, "Think of the children. We wouldn't want them around such dangerous things." Um, yeah I do. I want my children to be able to shoot, and kill, any one or thing that seriously threatens them. I'm not just going to hand my child the gun and tell them to be careful, although that seems to be the thing the government thinks I will do in the act of giving my child a gun. I'm going to teach them how to use it, and how to use it well, because there is no way that a child, particularly a little girl, can fend off an intruder of adult size and stature. So, Senator Feinstein, I must say, think of the children next time you go to pass a gun law. Think of that little girl who is helplessly raped by an intruder while her parents are away, because she could not adequately protect herself as a result of your taking the gun that Mr. Biden was going to teach her to shoot warning shots and chocolate bullets with. Oh, and don't even bring up the argument about not needing 30 rounds or an automatic gun to protect one's self. Sure, I probably wouldn't need either of those to protect myself, but that's not the argument here. The issue is that you are trying to take away my God given right to protect myself and my family by any means necessary. We wouldn't want to anger God now, would we? Or do you not believe in God.
Think of the children.

As far as the whole hate and bias issue goes, there isn't much to say.
The point is that I have the right to be racist.
I have the right to be biased.
I have the right to hate other people.
I have the right to judge people by their appearance, sexual "Preference", religion (Or lack of), race, or any other factor.
I have the right to think and speak freely.
This doesn't mean that I actually will hate others and be biased, but I certainly have the right to do so.
Oh, and aren't you infringing on my right to teach my children as I wish by teaching them in the public school system that being homosexual is acceptable? You say that we must teach from a non-religious standpoint. Ok, I can deal with that. I'll probably end up homeschooling my children anyway, but the unbiased, non-religious school system sounds good enough. But you aren't giving me what you promised. Instead of teaching Christian values in schools, like it used to be, you've started to teach Satanic values instead under the premise of being "Non-religious." It is not acceptable to teach values that only the devil himself would endorse to my children. Get this evil out of the education system. In fact, just get out of the education system completely. Education is a privilege, not a right which should be be provided by the government.

To sum it up,
I have the right to do whatever I wish as long as I don't infringe upon another person's rights.
The government has no right to stop me in doing anything I wish as long as I don't infringe upon another person's rights.
The government has no right to do anything that would infringe upon my rights.
The Government needs to get out of my life and start worrying about problems of it's own - It's got plenty of them.
Dallin Ward


  1. Man Dallin, that was great! You should write for a newspaper or something.

  2. I agree with Jarom. ;) That was magnificent. I approve of this muchly.
