Saturday, May 25, 2013

Familiar, but Unknown Longings.

Today I was at work, moving irrigation pipes. Just an everyday thing. But something changed the whole experience. As I pulled off the road into the field, some people drove by. Several vehicles in a row, it was obvious that they were in a group. As I watched these people go by, and waved, I tried to see if I knew any of them. I didn't, but as one of the vehicles passed, I had this feeling come over me. Like a person I knew and loved more than almost any other had just passed. And I just wanted to run to them and give them a hug and ask them how they were doing. But, alas, I couldn't. They were gone in a moment, and besides that, it would have been rather odd of me to go give a person that I know nothing about a hug. But still. This was odd. I felt like a piece of me drove away with them. It's like not knowing a thing about a person, but understanding them completely without speaking. I have had this same feeling with other people as well. This feeling that I need to talk to them, that I know them. It is very rare though. The last time I had this feeling I was at the Family Forum in Salt Lake City. This forum is a place where a person goes to learn about what the speakers there have to say. It was a little bit over a year ago. There were two people there who I felt this connection with, this longing to talk with. I felt comfortable with them, like I would with an old friend, almost right from the get go. And I was able to talk with them. Now, they are some of my dearest friends.
So I wonder, did I know them in the spirit world before this life? Were they my favorite people to be around, and is this unknown longing my spirit yearning to connect with theirs?
I have no clue. But I wish I knew.
I am curious though. Am I the only one that feels this longing every now and then? Do you feel this longing? This desire deep down to talk to someone who you don't know, and yet, you feel like you already do. If you're reading this, I implore of you to comment below. Tell me if you've felt this before. It's a wonderful feeling.


  1. Doctrine according to Joseph: Every spiritual impression has a purpose and therefore if you felt that, whether or not you know them before this life it was to teach you something. Maybe to give you a taste of the Love of God that He has towards each and all of us? Maybe so that when you meet them again, you'll recognize them as important? Or maybe something else?

    I think I've felt what you're describing before. I would describe that wonderful feeling as catching a true glimpse of a child of God, of who they really are, their potential, God's love for them, compassion for their mission in life.

    I've felt this for one person, or more. For people I've never meet and those I misjudged. In each case they've unintentionally reminded me of what's important :)

  2. Your thoughts always makes me inspired, Dallin. Thanks for sharing! :D

    To answer your question, I believe I had felt that before. For me I‘ve found it to come when I am serving others and I begin to see who they are on the inside. I was at a dance at EFY once and I was doing my best to be as inclusive as possible: inviting people who didn‘t have a group to join ours, stopping to talk with people who seemed lonely, making sure all the girls I knew had guys to dance with, etc. That was honestly the best dance I have ever been to, prrecisely because I began to love everybody there, even if I had never met them before.

    I‘ve had that feeling of connection you described before, but that experience stands out the most in my memory. In my life I think that feeling comes when I have the Spirit with me and understand that as children of God we‘re all part of a plan much bigger than ourselves. Once you realize that it‘s like you feel like you have something very deep and important in common with everyone else. Is that kindof how you felt? And I agree, it‘s a great feeling.

  3. Hey Ward!
    First off, I'd like to say I love your style of writing. It makes me happy to read it.
    Secondly, I've felt this same thing. Just some random person that I don't know, but I realize I'm totally comfortable around them, I trust them completely, and I feel like deep down, we're already friends. That is actually happening to me currently. Well, not currently, but it started Friday night and it's continuing with this person I've seen around a couple times.
    I actually struggle a great deal with what to do with these feelings. I don't want to just accept them and embrace them, because then I could be totally misplacing my trust, and that could be bad on many levels. My mind's tendency is to dismiss them as irrational and to question the heart's motives. Why? Why? Is that rational? Not it isn't. But my heart insists. I have no idea where those feelings come from or what I'm supposed to do with them... For this reason, I actually don't enjoy the feeling very much. I don't know what to do with it. That, and I usually don't act on it... resulting in me feeling bummed out. Had I been in a situation like you described, the coolness of the feeling of connection would be overshadowed with the regret that I didn't get to talk to that person. :/ So I'm still learning what my crazy heart means when it says things like "THAT PERSON!! Is totally your best friend even though you don't know them!" But hey... I've got time to learn. (:
