Thursday, August 18, 2016

Obey, and Do Not Fear

The Lord said, "It is better to obey than to sacrifice."
He also said, "Look unto Me in every thought, doubt not, fear not."
When the Lord said, "Doubt not, fear not." He wasn't joking. Neither was He joking when He proclaimed to Saul that obedience is much more important than sacrifice.
No matter how gloomy and difficult the situation seems to be, God's answer is "Doubt not, fear not" and His commandment is to obey.
Will you obey?

I wrote that paragraph yesterday in a burst of inspiration and brilliance from God. Now I feel terrified by what I have written. xD LOOK AT THIS. It is SUCH A CALL TO ACTION. It's incredible. This requires so much faith to follow.
Donald Miller wrote one of my favorite books in the world. It's called A Million Miles In A Thousand Years, and I recommend it highly. In it, he said,
“And once you live a good story, you get a taste for a kind of meaning in life, and you can't go back to being normal; you can't go back to meaningless scenes stitched together by the forgettable thread of wasted time.”
This is how I feel right now. I have a taste of it. A taste of what God is trying to give me. Absolute and complete faith in Him. Perfect love. Eternal happiness. It's there, waiting, and He is offering it to me freely. Do I have the courage to take it?

Honestly, I'm not sure if I have that kind of courage right now. I do have the courage to try, however. And to try again. And again.

Let's go back up to what God is saying up there. I'm not sure if the connection between the two verses is super solid to you yet. Here's where I'm going with this.
Once there was a boy named Dallin, and he had the bad habit of making excuses against listening to the Lord. Dallin believed in the Atonement of Jesus Christ, though he often told himself that he wasn't worthy to partake of it. Who was he to make Christ suffer for his sins? So he sacrificed his happiness for shame and told the Lord that he wasn't worthy of being healed. The Lord, meanwhile, looked down upon Dallin and hoped he would eventually obey the commandment to repent. He knew that Dallin was so close to something great, and that Dallin just needed to stop trying to sacrifice and start obeying His word, which was,
"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give thee rest."

Eventually, I got it. And I'm still learning to trust Him. There is rest in Him.

Rephrased, God is essentially telling us this:
"There is no place you can go, no thing you can do, and no misery you can feel that I cannot help you with, as long as you have even the desire to have faith in Me. Here's what you have to understand. I am God. There is nothing that can happen to you that I cannot make good out of. So rejoice! We can do this together."

I'm going to work on this. Today. Tonight. Right now. Never a doubt, never a fear. This shall be my goal.

Thank you, God!

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