Friday, March 11, 2016

You Are a Symbol - An Open Letter to Marco Rubio

Senator Rubio,
Last night during the debate you spoke about why you are still in the race. You said,
"Let me tell you what this election is about for me, and I get all the delegate math and all the debate, let me tell you what it's about for me. On Tuesday night, I didn't do as well obviously as I wanted to, and I was a little bit disappointed when I got home. And my wife told me a story that night, which is the reason why I can get up the next day and keep fighting. There's a gentleman here in south Florida who just got out of surgery, and his doctors told him he needs to be home resting. But every afternoon he takes his little aluminum chair and he sits outside of an early polling center and holds a sign that says, 'Marco Rubio' because for him I symbolize all the sacrifices that his generation made so their children could have a better life than themselves. That gentleman has not given up on me, and I am not going to give up on him. I am going to work tirelessly every single day because this election is too important. What's at stake is the future of this country, and I believe that at the end of this process this nation will make the right choice, because I've always believed that God has blessed America, that God's hand is upon this country, and that it's greatest days are yet to come."
Marco, that's brilliant! I applaud you on that quote, and the fact that you are such a symbol for people in America is outstanding; it comes with great responsibility.

Last night I was inspired by your words. I rewound and listened to it again so that I could really feel the power of your words. You really are a powerful speaker. This morning, as I thought about the debate and especially about this segment, the thought occurred to me, "Senator Rubio isn't going to give up on this man, but is he going to give up on me?"
I'll be honest with you, Marco, I'm a Cruz supporter, but I really like you as a human being. I believe that you're a smart man, a good man, and most importantly a God fearing man. For a while now I've hoped that you would get out of the race and support Cruz, because I see that as the most viable way to beat Trump, and I believe that beating Trump is very important for the freedom of the US. I believe that a Cruz-Rubio ticket would be incredibly powerful.
Senator, there are a lot of things I don't know, and I don't profess to have all the answers. I'm only 18 years old, and I just voted for the first time. I don't know why you're not dropping out. Some accuse you of being bitter, proud, and selfish. That might be true, but I don't think it is. I believe that you kneel down and pour your soul out to God every morning and every night. I believe that you knelt down in agony on Tuesday night and pleaded with God to know why you aren't succeeding. I believe that you are a man of God, and I cannot receive revelation from God for you. If God is telling you to stay in the race, by all means, do it!
I would like to pose a few questions that I don't profess to know the answers to, but that I believe you would do well to consider carefully.

1) Is staying in the race the best way for you to be that symbol of sacrifice for the next generation?

2) Are you really giving up on that man by dropping out of the race and supporting another God fearing candidate?

3) In turn, are you giving up on me by staying in the race and taking votes away from Cruz?

I wish you the best, man. I really do. May the Lord bless in you all things.

Dallin Ward

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