Saturday, January 2, 2016

I Love God

I love God. So very much. ^_^ And basically everything else about life. He set it up so well, and I've found that as I really reach and really try to be the man He wants be to be, I become that man. Even when I'm not feeling it. Even on the days when my prayers feel insincere and hollow, and I feel alone and empty, He is there. His plan for all men to be saved baffles me with its brilliance. It really does. I look at it and the way it is constructed for the edification and development of all man, and I marvel. I love it all.
God has done so many good things for you and I. Have you ever though about all the good things He has done? First, he created life. Life emerged out of a universe of unorganized matter. Elements floating in space which cannot become more on their own. He organized them. He put the universe together like a child with the world's greatest box of leggos. Can you imagine that? I bet God was EXCITED. I picture Him having a great vision of how He wanted things to be, and then working so hard to get there, and when the seventh day came and all was done, I imagine him standing back and just smiling. Grinning ear to ear, because He knew that what He created was good. It says so in the Bible that He at least examined it when He was finished, and, "Saw that it was good." And He did more than that. :D
God not only created the cosmos and the humans, but He stayed with them, and is still with them. Tending them, propping them up, building them. He's the ultimate gardener, and we are raised by His hand. He sent us here with a great Plan of Salvation, that we may return to live with Him someday. All men may return. He doesn't have favorites. He loves every member of ISIS just as much as He loves the active Christian, and at times He weeps at the actions of both groups of people. See, at root we humans are not very much different. At root we all want to be loved and we all want to be happy. That's what we call the Light of Christ, and it is in all men. God put it there on purpose. Some people choose to stifle and kill that light. ISIS seems to me a fitting example of men who choose to be the destroyers. Others choose to grow that light, and seek to become better human beings. It's all their choice, and that's the brilliance of the whole matter. That's God doing His job well. All men absolutely have a choice to do whatever they want to do with their lives. God has never and will never take any agency from any man. If He did He would cease to be God.
He will never make your decisions for you, but He will certainly aid you in the ones you to make.
He will seldom, if ever, remove you from the trials that you face, but He will teach you how to rise to meet them.
He will always love you, and aid you in any way that He can, but you have to let Him into your heart, and you have to work hard for what you want. That's agency, and that's true love, and I promise if you'll just try it - just give it some time and effort and really work at it for a while, you will come to know the wisdom in His plan. It's pure genius. All of it.
Check it out sometime, yeah? :D
All the Love I've Got,

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