Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Some Thoughts About Ballet

Dancing is a beautiful thing. Today I'd like to discuss ballet.
Ballet is amazing. It requires so much balance, focus, and strength. Watch this. 

And look at these pictures.
Notice the grace, poise, and beauty of the poses.

I'm not a huge fan of ballet, and I don't know much about it, but I do think it's very interesting.
I was thinking today about ballet. It has a lot to do with fluid motion. Sometimes gravity helps that motion. Sometimes gravity inhibits it. What if someone could figure out how to do ballet in a place where there is no gravity? What would that look like? Or what would it look like if ballet was done in a place with very little gravity such as the moon? 
I don't know. But I think the idea is very interesting. I haven't found it anywhere on the internet, so I don't think anyone has done it. A project like that would be made into a documentary or something, so it's bound to be within easy reach of a google search if it was there. 
I think zero gravity ballet should be a thing, because it'd be super cool. :D
So anyway. That's my thought of the day. Go forth and dream often, my friends. :)

Ballet with lights is super cool. Just so you know. :D

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