Sunday, September 28, 2014

Why the Military is so Good for so Many People

Why is the military so good for so many people?
That's a question I thought about today. It's an important question for me, because I've thought seriously many times that maybe the military would be a good place for me to go.
I stumbled upon an article today. It is called 39 Gut Wrenching Photos of the Reality of War, Puts Everything Into Perspective.
Go take a minute and look at it. It puts things in perspective.

Now close your eyes and give a moment of silence for those who have given their lives for your freedom.

Back to the original question.
Why is the military so good for so many people?
Because it grounds them in what is real.
So what is real then?
This is real.

And so is this.

...And so is this.

Though it's not pleasant, it is real.
This is life and death at it's extremes. This is love and hate, joy and sorrow, happiness and pain.
War is the culmination of the extremes of human feeling.
That being said, do you know what else is real?

This is real.
The twin boys who couldn't be happier to see mom:
And so is this.

And so is this.

Christ lives.
I testify to you with all of my being that he lives.
I love him. He is my savior. He has saved me from sin and death. I shall live forever.
So shall you, if you choose to accept him.
This is why the military is so good for so many people. It grounds them in what is real. It makes life so hard that they have to seek truth, because they can find solace in nothing else. They have to find what is real and hold so fast that their entire being becomes dependent on it if they are to live afterwords. Otherwise they perish.
So what is real?
Christ is real.
I believe in Christ.
Do you?

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