Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Nation of Sissies

One of the huge problems in America today is that we are a culture of sissies. The majority of America doesn't man up and take care of their own problems. No... Like a spoiled child to it's parent, the majority in America appeals to the government when anything goes wrong. We are a sue-happy, spoiled, sissy society and it makes my blood boil. What has happened to your courage, America? Where is your pride? Do you have no shame? Do you not care that the person that you are suing for an amount of money large enough to fill the national treasury's coffers will lose everything that they have because of you? Have you no pity for your fellow man, or patience for their mistakes? You make a big deal of the starving in Africa, and yet starve your fellow countryman!
Excuse my language, but where are your balls?! Did you drop them somewhere on the way home from the prostitute's house? Do you not have enough manliness in you to deal with your problems on your own? What makes you think that you are entitled to take everything another person has simply because they offended you? Seriously. Get over it. Be a man.

^^^ That up there, it's the truth. Go look around on the internet. You'll find plenty of stories about sue-happy people that are pretty well off because of this or that minor mistake by someone else. And it goes beyond suing other people. It's just called common decency. If someone gives you the wrong drink at a restaurant, kindly point it out to the waiter. Don't sue them. If you have to learn the Mexican national anthem and pledge in Spanish class, suck it up. It's not going to hurt you, you're not going to die.

Just... Just be human, okay? You don't have to be perfect. Just deal with your own problems. Don't ask the government to deal with them for you. Be a man.

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