Friday, June 14, 2013

I Pledge Allegiance to Freedom

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of 
America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation
under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

This pledge is recited by thousands, maybe millions, of school children and other people every day. And yet, when a person recites it in these times, they are pledging their loyalty to a corrupt system. I'm not saying that you shouldn't recite the pledge anymore, but you need to change the way you say it.

The word "indivisible" is a lie. If this country becomes the socialist state that it's heading towards, there will be states which choose to secede from the union - and they have that right. We are not indivisible, nor should we pretend to be. Skip the word indivisible word when you say the pledge.

When you recite the pledge, there should be no pause in between "one nation" and "under God." If you listen to the pledge said in schools and else where, they almost always pause between those 4 words. But here's the thing. Those are 4 very important words. What this pause intentionally does is separates the idea of our country from the idea of our God as a Christian society. When you say the pledge, do not put a pause in between the words "one nation" and "under God."

Now, we are saying this assuming that the constitution actually means anything anymore. I mean, we pledge allegiance to the flag. Ok. I can deal with that. Our flag is still a symbol of honor. We pledge allegiance to our Republic - that used to exist. We are now a Democracy. This makes the pledge of allegiance to the Republic null and void because the United States of America is no longer a Republic. We pledge allegiance to a nation under God. That doesn't exist anymore either. The rising religion in America today is Homosexuality, not Christianity. We are no longer under God. (That's a scary statement.) As we have discussed, we are certainly not indivisible. And, to the extent of my knowledge, we no longer support liberty and justice for all. Go read the news stories from the past few months on a non-liberal news website. (I prefer The president is lying to his people every day and getting away with it. Police officers are acting more like the Mafia than the protectors of our rights that they are supposed to be. (Now, with that I'm not saying that ALL police officers act that way - most of them don't. But there are those few that do which put a stain on the reputation of all police officers in the people's view.) Places like New York are much closer to communism than we as Americans would like to admit. Common sense is not so common anymore. Remember, we live in a Democracy now, and to quote Benjamin Franklin, "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch." That is not just, but that metaphor is played out in one way or another every day.

Just like I don't pledge allegiance to the Gay Pride movement or The Atheist Alliance of America, I don't pledge allegiance to a corrupt system that doesn't support my values.

I pledge my allegiance to freedom. I pledge allegiance to my God and my family. Whatever nation supports freedom and a nation with people truly under God - I pledge allegiance to that nation for as long as they remain that way. And, maybe most of all, I pledge allegiance to charity and virtue.

The world is changing people - and it's not for the better. Change yourself. Change your family and then your community. Now is the time to choose sides, and I'm on God's side. Please join me.


  1. Nice post, Ward. :)
    I don't know about you, but I think the flag still stands for a Republic. The Republic that's in the Constitution. So yeah, America isn't sticking to that Republic ideal--I'm not arguing with you on that point, by any means. What I'm trying to say is, when I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands... I see myself as pledging allegiance to what America was, and what it was meant to be. That's what the flag stands for. The flag stands for the spirit of America, the values America was founded on, not America's mistakes and errors. When I pledge allegiance to the flag, I pledge allegiance to one Republic, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. So in essence, I too am pledging allegiance to freedom. By pledging allegiance to the flag, I'm pledging to fight with everything I've got for what America was meant to be.
    ...At least, that's how I see it.

    Annnnnd this is me writing you a novel. ^_^ I'll stop now... but yeah.
    Seriously though, thanks for the awesome post! :D

  2. This expresses my views exactly!
    A lot of people think I'm strange because I choose not to say the pledge. And it does make me uncomfortable as well when I don't say it.
    But I don't feel that I can in all honesty say this pledge. I only pledge allegiance to the things that you listed; freedom, God, family, and virtue. Because those are the only things I am absolutely sure are worthy of my allegiance and love.

    As a side note, I've spent like an hour reading your blog, and I think it's super awesome.

    1. Thanks, Megan. :) I'm glad that you enjoy my blog. :)
      Keep the faith!
